My son plays little league football, his team has gone undefeated this season and they are going to their “Super Bowl”. However, in 2 of their last games we had a new ref, who call numerous penalties on our team. And at half time, was overheard by one of our parents bad talking our team. At on point our team crossed the goal line 5 times with each touchdown being called back by this same ref. On the 5th time, our player fumbled the ball almost on the goal line, another of our players recovered the fumble and made the touchdown. This ref then tried to say it wasn’t a fumble, that he was down, but luckily, I think the others refs had had enough and one stood his ground and said it was undoubtedly a fumble and the touchdown was good. This is just one example of his bad calls. But in a season where our team got very few penalties and in these last two, with this ref, we got tons, and after overhearing him bad talking our team, what do you do?? I just found out tonight that he will be reffing our Super Bowl.